Thursday, November 8, 2007

Drum roll please...

Is drum roll one word or two? Oh well. I do have an announcement for those of you who don't already know. I am expecting #2, and since Car got some flack for waiting 'til 22 weeks I decided to let you all know at 20 weeks. I thought it would be another boy, but the Dr. suggested it may be a girl at an ultrasound on a Tuesday, but to not buy girl clothes yet. Then the next day on Wednesday which was Halloween, I went to the hospital and since my mom works in the x-ray department she had the ultrasound tech take a quick peek. "Oh yeah, I can tell you it's a boy." It was pretty obvious to me that it was a boy, but what do I know. So for right now I think I'll wait until the next ultrasound before I say for sure what it is...but I think it's a boy.


Chantri said...

KACIE CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited for you, Jake, & little Cooper! Okay...20 weeks! I'm trying to remember when I told everyone I was pregnant with Boston...hmmm can't. I’ve just got to give you some flack too! You girls keep secrets way to well! That’s so neat though cuz you and Car will be about the same days apart as Lisa & I were! Get-togethers will be so fun. Lots of little buddies. So how have you been feeling? Morning sickness? That’s probably over now if you did. So when is your due date? Oh I’m so excited to find out if you having a boy or girl for sure. Make sure to let me know!

Natalie said...

Congratulations! I can't believe you and Car can keep it a secret from all of us for so long! Well, I guess Karlie and I are the only ones don't have a second child, and aren't expecting another (Unless Karlie has something to tell us). That is very exciting for you guys! Congrats again!

Karen said...

I guess now if I tell someone I won't be spilling the beans! Camille will have her pick of two Cartwright boys, lucky girl!! :)

The Sullengers said...

Congratulations on baby news. One day we will decide to have kids - hopefully before I'm 30!!!! Just kidding, soon I think...but congrats and can't wait to see what it is for sure - but if you say it was a boy, I'm sure there is no mistake!

thedeanfamily said...

Thanks for making me an aunt...for the second time around! :)

McArthurs said...

Yay!!! I'm so excited for you. That is way cool. I hope everything is going good for you being pregnant. Oh man, i didn't really enjoy that very much, so i hope you do a little more than i did. :)

Barb said...

I've already told you but Congratulations! I think it sounded better in person....

Anonymous said...

Kacie thanks for looking me up. Sorry for not including contact info, oops! CONGRATS!! I'm sure he/she will be as handsome/cute as Cooper is. Where did you get your cool background? I've been searching around, but havent found anything I like.

The Dunns said...


Congrats, I heard you might be expecting from a little bird but didn't want to call you out on it until you spread the news. That will we so fun to have two boys, Cooper is such a handsome little man. I am glad you, Halee and I are all having little babies. My little girl is lucky to be in between two cute boys. How are you feeling? Has this been an easy pregnancy? Well I am glad I finally got a chance to blog and read your news. I can't wait to see you guys over the holidays. Did you get my E-mail this week? Keep in touch.

Lisa said...

Congratulations Kac! I can't wait to see all of my cute little pregnant friends. I'm so excited for you guys! Do you guys have any names picked out yet? Two kidos is a lot of fun, a little crazy at times, but a lot of fun. Can't wait to see you!

Meg said...

YAY!!!! This is such exciting news!!! CONGRATS!