Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Weeks Happenings

My doctor's appointment went well and I'm measuring right on. I can't believe I only have 3 weeks left, we haven't decided on a name and I'm not prepared quite yet, so I guess I'd better get going. I've been keeping busy doing some projects, and even pulled out my sewing machine. I covered a lampshade and made curtain tiebacks for Cooper's room. I've been afraid of my sewing machine, because I didn't know if I could figure it out, but it was easy and fun. I think I will be doing more sewing projects in the future. I went to a baby shower last week for my neighbor who is having twins, it was fun to socialize and be grateful that I'm only having one baby, even though I look like I'm having twins. ( j/k twins are the best ;) Also this past week I was released as the 2nd counselor in our Young Womens. We had only been in for about a year and a half, but the YW president got called to serve on campus and Jake got a calling in young mens, so it was time to be released. I have become attached to the Young Women in our ward, they are really exceptional girls and are a lot of fun. However, my new calling is a sunday school teacher for the 15 year olds. Another new mom and I will switch off, which will be good for me because I'll have a new baby too, it will be fun to still get to work with the youth.


Karen said...

Brad didn't believe me when I told him you were due this month. He said, "What does she only have a 6 month gestation or what." So now I can show him written proof!

Unknown said...

I'm so happy to hear you are healthy and this new little baby is healthy. It's so fun to keep in touch with you guys and hear the fun things happening in your lives. Cooper is such a cutie!