Sunday, February 17, 2008

Here's what we've been up to...

POTTY TRAINING: Cooper has been doing very well at potty training. I thought I would try to train him early (27 months) just to see if he would do it, and to hopefully not have to change two diapers. He doesn't have hardly any accidents, and is doing so good, we're so proud of him. Thank goodness for Lightening McQueen underwear, stickers and candy; I think we've almost got this down!

SICKNESS: Cooper was sick for a few days with a fever, a cough, and a runny nose. He is such a trooper though, and he is starting to feel better. However, now I'm trying to fight the illness I can feel coming on, being sick is no fun. Picture of Cooper right before we put on his PJs, he wanted daddy to hold him.

VALENTINE'S: We had a good Valentine's Day. We got a fun visit from Grandma Holman who brought some fun valentines for us. Then I topped the night off with my two favorite guys, and two things I quite enjoy, pizza and relaxing.

PREPARING: I can't believe we only have a month left in this pregnancy...crazy. We decided to move Cooper out of his room (the nursery) early, so he could get used to a new "big boy" room before the baby came. So, I have had fun doing a couple of projects in his new room. We found some really cute furniture, and a cute quilt for his bed. Cooper likes his new room, and even calls his old room his baby brother's.


Chantri said...

You have been up to SO much! I can't believe you are only a month away from having your baby. It goes by so fast...ha- after I typed that I realized that it's only fast for those who AREN'T carrying the child! I am so proud of little Coops. He's the cutest little guy! I still put pull-ups on Logan at night and they are the Cars themed ones. I now have to fight with him to get his underwear on in the mornings because he wants to wear MATOR! I need to buy new "Cars" underwear I guess!
I love Coopers new "Big Boy" room. The colors are so the quilt. How is he don't at sleeping in his bed? We put the rails up on Logan's bed so we knew he wouldn't fall off-- Takes the crisp "Pottery Barn" look out of the room though...but what do you do!

Chantri said...

oops I mean "Doing" at sleeping...

Oh and I am sorry that you are dealing with the sickness too...not fun! I am amazed daily though of how tough our little boys are. They are true troopers.

Meg said...

Super busy girl! I love the "big boy" room- you did such a cute job decorating it... LOVE IT!

The Sullengers said...

I love the room - it looks great. that is awesome that he is getting potty trained (i've never had to do it, but I'm sure it is great to be free of stinky diapers) Hope all goes well with the labor and birth and all that jazz- can't wait to see pics!

Karen said...

You got the pictures up in Coops room...guess I'll have to come visit again. :)

Lisa said...

Congrats on the potty training! We are still having a hard time with that. :( I love, love, love the new room! It is super cute. Sorry you guys have been sick.

Chantri said...

K what the heck is the comment from FOX? Do you know who that is?

McArthurs said...

Hey i quit goin to your blog cuz you never posted for awhile, yay, good job!!! Good work on Cooper's room, it looks so cute! Dude, i'm feelin for ya for that last month of tortureness. It's so not fun huh? I hated that, i was so enormous!!! Bird said "Cin, you got the biggest out of all the prego sisters. It didn't seem like anyone got near as big as you!" Do you know what your naming it yet?

Annalee Taylor said...

Poor little guy...I hope he gets better. I loved his room...the bed spread is so cute...I love that it isnt a theme...its so hard to find boy things that arent dorky! NIce work!