How long have you been married? We just celebrated our 5 year anniversary in December.
How old are you? 25
Who eats more sweets? No doubt I do. I love sweets in any shape or form. Jake doesn't even really like sweets, he likes gummy candy and an occasional baked good. I am trying my hardest to corrupt him, or teach him the finer things of life.
Who can sing better? We both aren't great singers, but we can both carry a tune.
Who is smarter? Jake is. We had some same classes in college and he would hardly study for the test and I would study and read the book and he would do as well as I did. However, I am always right!
Who does the dishes? I do most of the time.
His guilty pleasure? Golf, and talk radio. He is a good golfer and loves to golf, I think he would golf every day in the summer if he could.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does. I did when we lived in Colorado, it seems like I always end up on the side where the bathroom is.?
Who mows the lawn? Jake, but I help with weeding and other yard work.
Besides you, who is his best friend? His parents and Paul Fairbanks, they grew up together in California and Paul now lives in Rexburg.
Who drives? Jake pretty much all the time. He is a good driver and is very good with directions. He likes to drive long distances and doesn't ever get tired.
Who is more stubborn? Jake is, and I tell him that's where Cooper gets it from, but don't get me wrong I can be stubborn too.
Who proposed? He did. I kind of felt it coming and might have even hinted that if he was going to he'd better do it so we could plan. He came to Logan and we went up to the temple. He had a book with "our story" in it. Then he had post it notes with nice things written on them, I lifted the note up and another compliment was underneath. The last post it note said hopefully more chapters to come and I lifted up the note and a hole was cut out and the ring was inside. He got on one knee and proposed. I cried and said, "of course".
What is your favorite thing about him? Where do I start. I couldn't ask for a better husband or father. He is fun, and has a great sense of humor. He is a hard worker, and is so likeable, random people just love him. He is laid back and easy going, but very determined. He is sweet and sensitve, and very unselfish. He is the best, I wish I was more like him!